Dual Language Instruction Program
At Haha`ione Elementary, the target language of teaching, learning and communicating is English. In addition, we offer a Japanese Dual Language Program, the first in Hawaii's public school system.
It’s an option for kindergarten and first grade students to learn in both Japanese and English. 50% of the daily instruction is given in English & 50% in Japanese.
In addition to the many cognitive benefits, students who develop proficiency in a second language through an immersion program achieve the same level of competence, or better, in academic subjects including English.
There are no language requirements to join the program from kindergarten. Students who wish to join the program from first grade must be able to communicate in Japanese.
This is a pilot program in conjunction with support from Dual Language Education of New Mexico. Haha`ione Elementary hopes to continue to grow the program so students can start in kindergarten and continue their dual language education through fifth grade.