Internet use for educational purposes is provided to all staff and students at Haha`ione. However, the user needs to sign a Technology Responsible Use Form (TRUF) to use the internet at school. Students also attend an internet class in grades 3-5 to be aware of proper netiquette and internet safety tips.
Students and staff members also sign a publication/audio release form. This form allows the school to use media for educational purposes that are described within the form. If a parent, guardian, or eligible student submits a written request for non-disclosure, sometimes referred to as an "opt out," HIDOE may not disclose the student's directory information per the non-disclosure request. The school will accept a signed and dated letter from the parent, guardian, or eligible student.
Replacing the Non-Disclosure Opt Out form and to be completed ONLY if parent/guardian slected NO on the Student Publication/Audio Release form.
G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education) form is for students in grades K to 5. Students are provided with a school gmail account to collaboratively create, edit and share files and websites for school-related projects. The form further describes the tools and student responsibilities for using such services. As with any education endeavor, a strong partnership with families is essential for a success learning experience.
Internet Safety Tips
At Haha`ione we promote safe enjoyment of technology. Here are some resources to enable parents, carers and students to better understand e-safety so everyone can enjoy the internet safely and responsibly.
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). AHERA requires that each school make available to parents and employees an asbestos management plan for their review if requested; the school is also required to provide parents and employees among others with an annual notification informing them, in part, of the availability of the asbestos management plan. The asbestos management plan for school buildings with asbestos-containing materials indicates location of the asbestos-containing materials. Schools with asbestos-containing materials are required to conduct twice yearly periodic surveillance to determine any change in the asbestos-containing materials.
The results of the recently completed surveillance conducted on December 15, 2017 indicate that there have been no changes in the condition of current asbestos-containing materials on campus.
Wellness & Safety
Haha`ione’s Safety and Wellness Survey (SAWS) results for school year 2016 - 2017 are now available. The report contains Haha`ione Elementary’s result for each wellness guideline, and the overall score for your school as compared with the average wellness score for Hawaii’s public schools.
The SAWS is administered annually to monitor implementation of the State of Hawaii Department of Education Wellness Guidelines, as required by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and BOE Policy 103-1. More information can be found at the following link: