No Bully Program at Hahaione
At Hahaione School we have the No Bully Program to stop bullies and help the targets of bullying. The program is three weeks, it encourages targets to report incidents to their parents, teachers, supervisors, or any other adult that they trust, or they can put a request in the No Bully box located in the office.
The program also includes the Solution Team and Solution Coaches. When somebody reports an incident, one of the Solution Coaches investigates to find out if it is really bullying. If it is bullying, a Solution Coach will form a Solution Team. The Solution Team thinks of ways to help the situation.
The people that are Solution Coaches are the Counselor, the Principal, and the Success Coordinator.
What is Bullying?
Bullying happens when a student or a group of students target a less powerful student using one or more of the following categories of behavior:
Physical Bullying - when a student uses physical force to hurt another student by hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking, taking a student’s belongings or stealing their money
Verbal Bullying - when a student uses words or gestures to humiliate another student by threatening, taunting, intimidating, insulting, sarcasm, name-calling, teasing, slurs, graffiti, put-downs or ridicule
Relational Bullying - when a student isolates another student from their peer group through leaving them out, gossiping, spreading rumors or scapegoating
Cyber Bullying - when a student uses a cell phone, texts, emails, websites, or social media to bully another student in any of the ways above
How can you avoid being a bully
Treat everyone with kindness
Treat others the ways you want to be treated or use the Golden Rule everywhere you go
It is okay to get angry but it is not okay to hurt others physically or verbally
When your angry calm down before you say or do anything
When your calm try to solve the problem together
What to do if you are being Bullied
First you should tell an adult
You didn't do anything wrong so don't be afraid to tell
Most adults want to help you
If you feel safe, you can stand up to the Bully
Let them know you do not like what they are doing
Do not get physical or say hurtful things back
Stay Calm
Avoid the bully and/or stay in a group
No Bully Program for Parents
Did You Know Across The Nation:
Every 7 minutes a child is Bullied or Abused.
56% of students have personally witnessed some type of Bullying at school.
160,000 kids stay home Everyday to avoid being Bullied.
90% of 4th grade to 8th graders report being victims of Bullying
71% of students report incidents of Bullying as a problem at school.
90% of students are targeted for Bullying or Cyber Bullying
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Bullying is different from just playing around or peer conflict. It occurs when a student, or group of students, repeatedly hurt or humiliate another student. Bullying and harassment often cause lasting physical and mental harm, marginalize diverse students and negatively impact the entire school culture.
How to know if your child is being bullied
Your child may feel depression or anxiety
May have a hard time sleeping and/or frequent nightmares
Fear of going to school
A different appetite like eating more than normally or not eating much
May isolate themselves
Maybe won't enjoy the activities they used to like before
May have unexplainable bruises or broken bones
Demonstrates psychosomatic symptoms
Also may think him/her is helpless and hopeless
(Kajioka, Coren, Dr. "Bullying." Personal interview. 4 Feb. 2016.)
What to do if you think that your child is being bullied
Talk to your child about what is going on
Encourage your child to report it to a teacher, counselor or the principal
If your child doesn't feel confident to report the incident you can report it yourself
If your child shares thoughts of hurting themselves get them professional help like therapists
Continue to support your child to not feel down and tell them who cares what the bully says or thinks
No Bully Program at Hahaione
At Hahaione School we have the No Bully Program to stop bullies and help the targeted students. The program is three weeks, it encourages targets to report incidents to their parents, teachers, supervisors, or any other adult that they trust, or they can put a request in the No Bully box located in the office.
The program also includes the Solution Team and Solution Coaches. When somebody reports an incident, one of the Solution Coaches investigates to find out if it is really bullying. If it is bullying, a Solution Coach will form a Solution Team. The Solution Team thinks of ways to help the situation.
The people that are Solution Coaches are the Counselor , the Principal , and the Success Coordinator.